Science of Relationships just posted a great new blog entry about flirting and judging another person’s interest in you. It turns out that a great deal of interest is shown non-verbally, but these signals can be confusing and hard to interpret. You should have a look as the post on their site:
A reader recently asked: How can I tell if someone is interested in me?
Deciphering romantic interest is a difficult endeavor. On the one hand, if you fail to notice someone’s interest in you, you miss out on the high of realizing someone thinks you’re all that, not to mention the missed opportunity to form a relationship with that person. On the other hand, if you incorrectly think someone is interested in you (what researchers refer to as a ‘false positive’), you risk wasting valuable time and effort flashing your proverbial peacock feathers. You also open yourself up to the sting of rejection and embarrassment you might feel upon getting shot down after making your approach. Ouch. Worse, misperceiving romantic or sexual interest plays a role in sexual harassment1 and sexual assault.2 That’s a definite – and potentially illegal – ouch.
Read the rest of the post at the original site, and be sure to visit Science of Relationships!